Just a quick little blog post about a skin lifesaver. I was lucky enough to be blessed with never really having any skin issues, I’m not oily, not dry, never really had a skin regimen till recently. Up until a year ago I’d put a little dove soap on a washcloth, wipe and call it a day.
However, when I do happen to get a “bump” as I like to call it ; ) it’s normally in all the areas that they say are stress related and it HAS to of course be a underground bump that wants to stick around for a week and be huge (I think the correct term is a cystic bump). These neverrrrr come to a head, you try to mess with it, and of course you can’t so it just ends up more irritated and there to stay for even longer!
A few weeks ago one popped up and I did a little research…. I had a date and of COURSE this thing had to be there 2 days before, this was notttt going to work for me. I put a dab directly to the spot every night after I washed my face and applied my toner. After just two days it was barely there! Every morning the swelling, redness & tenderness was reduced by a billion! Apparently Vicks has a ingredient in it that fights bacteria, and an is an anti-inflammatory. The Vicks almost works like tooth paste but way better, drying out the area faster. Thus making your life 100x better, duh!
XoXo | Chelsey Rae