With the forth of July coming up I figured why not blog about the classic all American sneaker. I am such a sucker for a good pair of keds! So lame I know – but I love them! They are perfect for my typical everyday summer attire, (a pair of Jean shorts and a v-neck) for a super casual look when you want more then a sandal or flip flop. The different colors can just add something extra and not make the outfit so boring ; ) How cute are these leopard ones I got off of HauteLook? These exact ones are discontinued but I rounded up a few of my other favorites below, (mint green is such a color of the moment, polka-dots are always fun, yellow is my favorite, and cutouts in anything are super in right now) of course you can never go wrong with the classic white. (Even though they get dirty as hell!)
All of these can be found on the Keds website (they rang about $39-$55) and I always check them out when they are on HauteLook because helllllllooo, they are cheaper and sometimes have things that you can’t find on the website anymore!
XoXo | Chelsey Rae